Multiple disciplines are needed to complete a specific architectural job. Consultants, environmentalists, engineers, and interior designers are just a few of the professionals involved. In this article, we’ll discuss two specific disciplines that are frequently used interchangeably. Interior architecture and interior design. Interior design and architectural tasks are closely intertwined and can be easily confused. However, they have significant differences. What makes the two different from one another?
This article examines how the two professions overlap and vary, so you can understand how each professional works and collaborates to bring a project to life.

What is Interior Architecture?
Interior architecture is concerned with the interior and how it functions as a living space. It involves developing, renovating, or modifying the interior of buildings whether they be residential, commercial, mix-used, or other types of interior spaces. Transforming one type of space into another, also called adaptive reuse, is one good example of Interior architecture. This task falls under the practice of architecture. It focuses more on creating certain architectural features, material selection, treatments, and other specifications that have a significant impact on the overall style of the interior space.

What does an Interior Architect do?
Interior architects are often involved in the creation or reconstruction of interior spaces, frequently altering the building’s physical structure. To produce a safe and livable living environment they must take standard structural systems and building codes into account. They will also include architectural design assessments in all their works. Additionally, interior architects may incorporate environmentally friendly design elements into their projects, such as “ecofriendly” constructions with sustainable ventilation and lighting systems.

What is Interior Design?
Interior design is the art and science of improving the interior of a structure in order to provide a healthier and more visually pleasing environment for those who use it. The way we experience environments is fundamental to interior design. It is a strong, necessary aspect of our everyday lives, influencing how we live, work, play, and even rest. Interior design is a practice that creates comfortable homes, effective workplaces, and stunning public areas.
The details of each of the rooms in a house are often left out in construction drawings. This is because it falls under the task of the interior designer. They are the ones in charge of the detailing, the selection of furniture, color schemes, decorations, and accessories.

What is the Difference Between an Interior Designer and an Interior Architect?
The responsibilities of interior architects and designers sometimes overlap, but there are also some key distinctions between the two areas of expertise. These are the following:
1. Certain qualifications are required to be able to practice interior design
Not everyone can practice interior design. Certain states require a license or design accreditation in order to legally work as an interior designer and not just an interior decorator. You can hire a licensed or accredited interior designer or interior design firm to collaborate with your architect and design the interior of your home. Some architect firms provide interior design services from the licensed architect.
2. Interior design focuses more on aesthetics
Interior design is primarily concerned with how residents experience and feel about the space. Interior designers really take the time to understand the behavior of people and find practical and clever ways to improve the quality of living through designing spaces. This involves studying colors, patterns, lighting, furniture placements, and décor arrangements. In order to create coherent and visually acceptable interior designs for residential and commercial spaces within a constructed environment or existing buildings, interior design professionals concentrate on architecture and space planning.
3. Interior design comes after interior architectural design
Interior design is the finishing touch to the project. Of course, you must first construct a building before you can design an interior space. The interior designer is typically brought in near the end of the process of architectural design, but some interior designers love working with the architect though all the details. The interior designer then takes over and brings everything together to create a beautiful and livable home that the client will surely love.
4. Only a licensed architect can practice interior architectural design
A licensed architect is required to practice interior architecture. According to the law, a qualified or licensed interior designer cannot perform the duties of an architect. However, architects can practice interior design. Most architecture degree programs incorporate interior design as part of their curriculum; therefore, an architect is well-positioned to provide interior design services. In fact, some design firms offer both architectural and interior design services under one roof. This is likely the most noticeable distinction between the two.
5. Interior architects are responsible for structural modifications.
Typically, the interior architect will create the entire interior structure and participate in the design phase on a more technical level. To make the reconstruction or refurbishment of an existing structure possible, they collaborate with architects, contractors, and technologists.
6. Interior architectural design is part of the construction documents to be submitted for permit approvals.
Drawings of the interior architectural design can be found in the construction document set because it falls under the work of the architect and is considered an essential part that needs to be checked by local building authorities to get a building permit. Interior design illustrations on the other hand need not be included in the set of construction documents as this task can be done later on once the building is finished.
The major distinction between the two disciplines is a clear one: while interior designers are interested in the interiors of buildings, architects are more focused on the actual structures. Both jobs face unique challenges and both play an essential role in fully realizing the client’s vision of a dream home, building, or structure.